2014 : KUIS Signs MoU with Islamic Development Bank (IDB)

HomeBlog2014 : KUIS Signs MoU with Islamic Development Bank (IDB)

Islamic Research and Training Institute, a member of Islamic Development Bank, signs MOU with International Islamic University College Selangor (KUIS) concerning International Research Centre of Islamic Economics and Finance (IRCIEF).


The objectives are:

  1. To promote individual contacts among scholars, students, and personnel of both institutions.
  2. To promote links in teaching, research and publication activities.
  3. To develop and to encourage joint research, publication, seminars, conferences and workshops.
  4. To support the exchange of academic and research staff.
  5. To develop, then opportunities avail, joint academic and research programs.
  6. To encourage any other activities that both institutions agree to be of mutual benefits.
  7. To promote any other areas of co-operation for strategic alliance to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties.

The both parties may co-operate through a range of mechanisms which may include:

  1. Participation in joint activities, projects or programs in the agreed aread of cooperation;
  2. Making financial, logistical and/or technical contribution to such activities, projects or programs;
  3. Participation in identification of complementary sources of finance and other necessary resources, and mobilization of funds and resources for implementation of such activities, projects or programs;
  4. Assistance in planning, organization and implementation of activities, projects or programs through provision of technical expertise and any other support;
  5. Supervision of on-going activities, projects and programs and post-evaluation of completed activities, projects or programs;
  6. Exchange of experience and relevant documents, data and other information; and
  7. Any other mechanisms that may be agreed upon by the Parties from time to time.

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